"You have to be fast on your feet and adaptive or else a strategy is useless."
Charles de Gaulle
PPM helps an organization collaborate to systematically determine what it needs to accomplish, how it will go about accomplishing its goals, and how it will measure its achievements.
Our Program Performance Wizard and Strategy Maps help translate a strategic plan into an operational framework that is in alignment with budget, resources, and activities.
Program Performance Wizard
Non-technical users can quickly and easily enter program information (i.e., plans, strategies, objectives, measures, targets, etc.) via a step-by-step process
Enforce standards to ensure that the performance plan is articulated in a complete and consistent fashion
Configurable screens and data fields enable you to capture the information that you need
Link conceptual elements of a strategic plan to the operational elements to demonstrate an association between resources consumed and results achieved
Tie budget data to performance measures at all levels
Include budget and performance information in one system
Enter budget information mapped to your budget processes and structure or link to your existing budgeting system

Workflows for auto-notification and approval routing
Determine and enforce who has review and approval authority
Auto-notify approvers when program plan elements are submitted
Know who changed what data and when through a "Track Changes" style of change log
More effectively manage data collection for program performance and budget
Provide audit trail of all approval activity

Review Strategic Alignment and Track completion with a strategy map
Visually see the alignment of activities and measures with the goals of the organization
Quickly track progress with a visual map of what's been completed, what's in process, and what still needs to be done to complete your strategic/performance plan