Nuclear Solutions Division > Services > Training > Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) and Authorized User (AU) Training
Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) and Authorized User (AU) Training
Organizations using radioactive material or radiation producing machines in an industrial setting must be qualified by training and experience to possess and use the material or machines in a manner that will protect health and minimize danger to life or property. Each facility may have designated a Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) and Authorized Users (AUs) to oversee operations and assure all elements of the safety program are implemented and documented properly. The level of training and experience that qualifies one to serve as the RSO or AU varies, depending on the type of radiation sources that are at the site, and how they are utilized.
Plexus-NSD is pleased to provide training for individuals and organizations to assure that workers serving as RSO or AU have the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively function in these roles. Our courses, designed and delivered by Certified Health Physicists (CHPs) with decades of experience in all aspects of radiation safety and compliance, include classroom and hands-on training on the following topics:
Radiation Fundamentals Review
• Radiation and Radioactive Material
• Radiation Quantities and Units
• How Radiation Interacts with Matter
• Radiation Sources (Background, Occupational, and others)
• Radiation Exposure and Health Effects
• Principles of Radiation Protection (Time, Distance, Shielding, Contamination Control)
• Radiation Detection Instrumentation and Calibration
Radiation Protection Standards
• Radiation Dose Limits, ALARA and Monitoring
• Licensing (Applications, Amendments)
• Machine Registration
• Radiation Safety Procedures
• Recordkeeping and Reporting
Responsibilities (Employer and Workers)
• Radiation Safety Organization
• Role of the RSO
• Communications
• Training
• Radiation Safety Decision-Making
• Equipment and Supplies
• Waste Disposal
• Surveys (Performing, Documenting, Corrective Action)
• Emergency Response
• Security
• Employee Protection and Deliberate Misconduct
Plexus-NSD is a true believer in coursework being as specific to our student's needs as possible. This and our other radiation safety and compliance courses are customizable and tailored to cover information pertinent to you, your staff and your specific license or permit requirements. The course, including the hands-on component, can be delivered live at your facility. A webinar version, which does not include the hands-on work, serves as helpful and appropriate refresher training for existing RSOs and AUs. In both cases, certificates of completion are issued.
Contact Plexus-NSD for information on the next scheduled webinar-based training session, receive early notification of when registration will open for up-coming webinars, pricing for on-site classes, or to secure pricing for on-site classes or multiple student webinars (there are discounts if more than one student from a facility participates).